About This Website

Welcome to “Briyani Bytes”, a simple, humble corner of the digital world, weaving together narratives from the heart of South East Asia, primarily Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, and our friendly neighbours. Here, I share tales seldom heard or told, about our middle-class lives, our challenges, dreams, and hopes.

This site, originally named “Kaya Analytics”, was created as an homage to the sweet, creamy Kaya Jam and its Malay/Indonesian meaning of “wealthy”. At its core, this personal blog was meant to show off the portfolio in order to get a data job. However, I soon realized that this would limit the purpose of this blog for the long run. It won’t be just a repository of technical know-hows. Above all, I I want to share stories that feel like home, close to our hearts.

“Briyani Bytes” is always just around the corner — it could be at your local hawker centres, or as you pick up a quick meal at Indomaret or Alfamaret. ou might even find yourself perusing these bytes while enjoying your ramen in 7-11.

As a result, as you explore these narratives, I hope you’ll feel a sense of belonging that is not defined by borders. Indeed, this journey is not solely about showcasing technical prowess. On the contrary, it’s about slowly and steadily weaving a vibrant narrative tapestry, one byte, one story at a time.

Disclaimer: generative AI has been used to generate ideas and brainstorm the content of the blog. This also includes the artwork since I do not have the capacity to draw on my own.

Briyani Bytes’ Author

Short Info

  • Works in the metal & mining sector
  • Loves counting money
  • Somehow still reads newspaper
  • Currently based in Indonesia

Firstly, a warm welcome to the feast that is ‘Briyani Bytes.’ In essence, this platform serves as much more than just a showcase of my IT skills. Like all of us, it’s a journey, a pursuit of a better life, woven to words on pages across the internet.

At its heart, ‘Briyani Bytes’ is a blending of tech-talk and tales from South East Asia, capturing everything from the region’s culinary delights, travels, tips on managing your expenses, and so on.

Through my blog, I hope to connect with you, the readers. While my writing style hasn’t yet been swayed by any specific writers, it is ever-evolving with each byte of nasi briyani I share.

As an avid reader, I currently immerse myself in IT and non-fiction books. Yet, I remain open to any form of storytelling, and so I invite you to enjoy this warm plate of Nasi Briyani!

Raymond Yeoh


Data Analytics
Excel 365
Google Sheets
SQL (MySQL, PostgreSQL)
Communication Skills
Indonesian / Malay


Purchasing & Supply Chain Staff
PT Halmahera Jaya Feronikel
(2022 – present)

Project Admin Staff
PT Halmahera Jaya Feronikel
(2021 – 2022)
English & Mandarin Tutor
IEC Medan


Harvard CS50
(April 2023 – Present)
Maven Analytics Course
(April 2021 – Present)
Google Data Analytics Course
(July 2022 – April 2023)
BA English Literature
Indonesia Methodist University
(2016 – 2020)


Still on work. Please visit this site later!


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